Wednesday, December 29, 2010

RAIN..............A wet sunday afternoon, on the streets of mumbai. Its pouring down cats and dogs. I sit sipping my tea in this deplorable ramshackle of a building. The thunder sounds like the turret of a cannon, as if the sky's going to war with me. The bolts of lightning cut through my fears like a hot bowie knife on butter.  However every drop of water sounds like a melodious symphony onto itself, making an orchestra out of the rain under the command of the almighty himself. The raindrops falling on the ground & bringing forth the aroma of mother earth, the streams flowing down destination unknown, umbrellas unwrapping themselves displaying a plethora of colours that could put the rainbow to shame.  Come monsoon come..

1 comment:

  1. Took me some time to figure out the figure standing at the door. Beautifully done.
