Friday, December 31, 2010

There are two kinds of light - the glow that illumines, and the glare that obscures. ~James Thurber

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The invariable mark of a dream is to see it come true.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

RAIN..............A wet sunday afternoon, on the streets of mumbai. Its pouring down cats and dogs. I sit sipping my tea in this deplorable ramshackle of a building. The thunder sounds like the turret of a cannon, as if the sky's going to war with me. The bolts of lightning cut through my fears like a hot bowie knife on butter.  However every drop of water sounds like a melodious symphony onto itself, making an orchestra out of the rain under the command of the almighty himself. The raindrops falling on the ground & bringing forth the aroma of mother earth, the streams flowing down destination unknown, umbrellas unwrapping themselves displaying a plethora of colours that could put the rainbow to shame.  Come monsoon come..

Hope of better living, individual strive day and night in hazardous places away from family and comforts of life.